Levantehaus Rotunda

The Levantehaus
Altstadt, Hamburg, Germany.

Located in Hamburg's busiest shopping area, the Levantehaus is one of the cornerstones of Hanseatic "Kontorhaus" architecture, and was originally built in 1912-13. The unique project to develop the present character of the Levantehaus was the result of integrating a modern concept into an historic building. With its shopping mall, night clubs, cafés, entertainment, fitness facilities, apartments and first class Hyatt Hotel, the building guarantees a hive of activity around the clock and is an appropriate meeting place for an international and discerning public.

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Centaur, Main Entrance
New interpretation of the original design.

Archive records depicting the façade of the Levantehaus indicated that originally there were two stone carved Centaurs on either side of the main entrance. These had disappeared at some stage in the past. The Sculptor proposed the idea of one large bronze Centaur suspended centrally above the main entrance. This proposal was warmly accepted by the client and architects in keeping with their ideas of integrating a modern concept into an historic building.


Click on the Elephant to see the maquette being created

Animal Triptych

Monumental forms with light weight.

This, the second version of Animal Triptych, was made and adapted from an original stone carving by the Sculptor.

Using castings from the original carvings allows the re-creation of structurally lightweight, but nevertheless large forms for incorporation to a scheme, perhaps where the weight factors are a vital consideration.

The client and architects were determined to include sculpture within the project.

I was commissioned to carry out the work as part of the design concept.